As a company that specializes in lift transportation and increases the number of lift vehicles, we are very ambitious in meeting the needs. Thanks to this method, which allows the easy transportation of sensitive or heavy products, your load can be loaded and transported to vehicles undamaged and quickly, even if the weight is too high. As Along Logistics, we have increased our investments in order to continuously increase the number of lift vehicles for your sensitive devices or fast deliveries. Thanks to our tools of different sizes, our tools are multifunctional, suitable for your needs and with wide cover features. Our work with our experienced employees in loading and unloading vehicles has been successful so far and the necessary actions have been taken to maintain this success. Thanks to our vehicles selected for you according to the sensitivity, size and weight of the product carried, many products such as technological products, décor and stands, medical devices, sound light systems, power supplies are loaded and transported with a guarantee of damage. It is easily transported to the address, warehouse or logistics location.
What are lift transport stages, how to do it?
In lift transportation, it is the lifted vehicle selected according to the amount of load to be transported first and this amount. According to the size of the products, the vehicle you will request is transported undamaged after it is supplied to you. Pallets are selected according to standard specific weights. Thanks to the transpalet, the products are carefully stacked inside the vehicle to avoid damage thanks to our experienced employees after being transported to the vehicle undamaged and quickly. At the same time, your special devices are fixed with spanzet tensioning straps to avoid any damage to the vehicle. No matter how long the journey is and how bumpy the roads are, care is being done to avoid damage, especially on medical devices. Along Logistics promises undamity in medical devices, food products or other products.
Technical Specifications of Fence
The most important point in lift transportation is the easy transportation of heavy loads. This convenience is realized thanks to elevators, pallets and other equipment. The size of the vehicles is selected according to the load and different price ranges are offered in different vehicles. The number of employees is also very important. Although it is a service provided thanks to technology, the attention and care of employees often saves products from being damaged.
Thanks to this time-saving and financially gaining system, you can also deliver your heavy or sensitive loads to the target location without any damage, and thanks to Along Logistics, you can do all these operations at less cost.